Action Plan 17: Oil Pollution

Preventing Oil Pollution


Goals and Objectives

Changes: The previous three goals were combined into a single more comprehensive goal. Some objectives were re-worded improve clarity and readability. One new objective was added.

Goal 17.1. Reduce the amount, frequency, and impacts of petroleum hydrocarbons spills and discharges to Buzzards Bay.
Objective 17.1. Promote a regional strategy for preventing oil spills and hydrocarbon discharges.
Objective 17.2. Promote a coordinated and effective regional strategy for responding to large oil spills.
Objective 17.3. Implement source-reduction plans for chronic inputs of hydrocarbons into Buzzards Bay.
Objective 17.4. Provide adequate facilities for the collection of waste oil from cars and boats.
Objective 17.5. Take enforcement actions against the illegal discharge of oil.
Objective 17.6. Ensure vessel and boat refueling operations prevent petroleum spills and respond to such spills when required. (New)