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How to protect and restore Buzzards Bay and its surrounding watershed

You can do this in two ways. First, you can take individual action on how you live your life, manage your property, or through your choices as a consumer. Second you can support or participate in the actions of government and non-governmental organizations in their efforts actions to address specific problems.

On this page we have link to the larger strategies to protect and restore Buzzards Bay and its watershed, especially those strategies identified in the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP).

The original Buzzards Bay CCMP was created in 1991 and adopted by the state in January 1992. This document remains the principal guidance for the actions of the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program and helps guide our grant program. At the same time we recognize that many of the recommended actions in the 1992 CCMP have been achieved, while new unanticipated problems have arisen. To address these new problems and address new scientific information, we have begun the process of rewriting and updating the Buzzards Bay CCMP. The new plan will include new goals, objectives, and recommendations to meet the environmental needs for Buzzards Bay and its surrounding watershed throughout the next decade. It will also guide future state and federal actions and funding decisions. We will need the support of citizens and municipal officials of Buzzards Bay to ensure this new plan is as meaningful and effective as the first plan