Related pages: Seafood Safety | 2013Toxics Action Plan | Nitrogen Pollution | Stormwater Pollution | Oil Pollution | Reporting Environmental Violations
A major focus of the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program is to address toxic pollutant discharges to Buzzards Bay. This page links to the major categories and initiatives under toxic contaminants reduction and management for Buzzards Bay.

Hazardous waste sites in the Buzzards Bay watershed (blue line) and their status as of December 2009. Click on a dot for more information about that site.
– TIER IA: Any site receiving a total NRS score equal to or greater than 550 is a Tier IA. Tier IA sites require a permit and any person undertaking response actions must do so under direct Departmental supervision. All 6 tier IA sites in the Buzzards Bay watershed are also US EPA Superfund sites. Go to DEP’s Massachusetts contaminated properties and Superfund Sites page for more information.
– TIER IB: A NRS score of less than 550 and equal to or greater than 450 is a Tier IB.
– TIER IC: Any site receiving a total NRS score of less than 450 and equal to or greater than 350 is a Tier IC.
– TIER II: Any site receiving a total NRS score of less than 350 is a Tier 2, unless the release/site meets any of the Tier I Inclusionary Criteria specified in 310 CMR 40.0520(2). Permits are not required at Tier 2 sites and response action may be performed under the supervision of a Licensed Site Professional, without prior Departmental approval.
– TIER ID: (Previously Default Tier 1B) A site where the responsible party fails to provide a required submittal to MassDEP by a specified deadline.
Google Earth KML Map of Chapter 21e sites
(requires Google Earth (a free program) installed on your computer).
Other Links on Hazardous and Toxic Materials
EPA’s posting of NPDES individual permits for Massachusetts
EPA Superfund sites in Massachusetts
Search EPA’s online Permit Compliance System includes data retrieval from NPDES permit reports.