Septic System Test Center Construction photos
July 9, 1999 photos:
July 23, 1998:
July 29, and August 3 1998 photos:
George Heufelder of Barnstable County Health (top) will be jointly overseeing the operation of the facility and Tony Millham of the Buzzards Bay NEP (middle). Tony and George inspect daily the ongoing construction. Bottom photo shows one of three lined leaching pits after it has been partially filled in.
September 1998:
October 28, 1998:
January 1999:
The first Alternative Technology Septic System is installed at the Test Center: An “Eco-Ruck” system made by Ruck Systems Inc. of Falmouth, MA. The Eco/Ruck system modifies the leach trench architecture to achieve both nitrification as in a conventional leach trench, and denitrification. Seventy -five percent of the septic tank effluent is fed to a proprietary infiltration bed using man-made materials to increase aeration. Nitrogen removal (denitrification) is accomplished by introducing 25% of the septic tank effluent beneath the leach trench.