Funding Posts

Information about funding opportunities for environmental work in Buzzards Bay.

Buzzards Bay NEP Awards Grants to Improve Water Quality and Habitat

The Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program awarded $558,531 in federally-funded grants for projects that will improve water quality and habitat in the Buzzards Bay watershed. These five grants will fund efforts to treat stormwater discharges, create salt marsh habitat, study the effectiveness of nitrogen removal from a wastewater treatment plant, assess the feasibility of a neighborhood-scale wastewater system, and comply with stormwater management requirements. Grants are awarded by the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (NEP) through the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. The grants also leverage $336,000 in local, state, and federal funds and in-kind services and help meet Massachusetts’ climate resilience and environmental equity goals.

The following municipalities were awarded grants:

The Town of Fairhaven will receive $125,000 to improve water quality in Outer New Bedford-Fairhaven Harbor by reducing pollution from stormwater runoff. The grant will fund stormwater retrofits, including green infrastructure designs to treat road runoff from Jerusalem Road and leverage other state funding. The runoff currently discharges to a shellfish growing area, causing the area to be closed periodically to shellfishing after rainfall.

The City of New Bedford and its partner, Groundwork Southcoast, will receive $93,531 to hire an engineering firm to conduct a feasibility study and develop design plans for creating a salt marsh habitat in a manmade pond in Riverside Park. The pond is currently overgrown with invasive species and is often used as a dumping ground. The project will return the area to a natural state and create a tidal exchange with the Acushnet River. Groundwork Southcoast and its Green Team, which employs area youth, will work with the city and residents to build environmental stewardship and help ensure that designs for the popular waterfront park meet community needs and environmental sustainability goals.

The Town of Wareham and its partner, the Marine Biological Laboratory, will receive $275,000 to scale up prior pilot studies that showed nitrogen levels can be lowered and effluent quality can be significantly improved at the Wareham Water Pollution Facility by passing effluent through biofilters composed of wood chip media. The proposed Phase 2 field trials will explore how earlier pilot experiments can be scaled to 40-foot-long reactors and will calculate flow rates and infrastructure needed to handle the municipal facility’s daily flows. The Wareham Water Pollution Facility currently has stringent nitrogen limits imposed on its discharge, and the new bioreactor technology, which is more cost-effective than other approaches, would help the town further reduce its nitrogen loading to coastal waters. If successful, the new technology will allow for the increased capacity of the wastewater facility and much-needed expansion of sewering in the town.

The Town of Wareham and its partner, the Buzzards Bay Coalition, will receive $40,000 to assess the feasibility of constructing a neighborhood-scale wastewater system with the purpose of reducing nitrogen pollution from onsite septic systems near Little Harbor Beach on Great Neck. The study will identify potential nearby town-owned property outside the flood zone where the facility might be sited.

The Town of Westport will receive $25,000 to hire a consultant to assist the town with monitoring and investigating municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) discharges to comply with the town’s federal stormwater permit. The proposed work will safeguard the town’s waterbodies and groundwater by assisting with the control of polluted stormwater runoff, which is a major cause of water quality impairments in the town.

Read more about the grants in this CZM Press release.

Round 2 Buzzards Bay Infrastructure grants available

The Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program is seeking proposals for the FY24 Buzzards Bay Watershed Infrastructure and CCMP Grant Support Program – Round 2, with $737,131 in federal funding available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. Eligible projects must implement a recommendation in the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) and be principally located within the Buzzards Bay Watershed. Eligible municipalities may submit any number of applications but may only receive a maximum of two grant awards not to exceed $400,000. No single grant award may exceed $375,000. There is no match required.

Eligible projects include:

  1. Feasibility and design of stormwater facilities to treat discharges to impaired surface waters.
  2. Construction of stormwater facilities to treat discharges affecting surface waters.
  3. Support for tasks to achieve Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) compliance (other than required routine maintenance).
  4. Feasibility studies and conceptual plans to enhance nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater treatment facilities using innovative or unconventional approaches.
  5. Restoration of wetlands, habitat, and migratory fish passage.
  6. Construction of a boat pump-out facility in a municipality or harbor when none exists.
  7. Creation of online reporting systems for tracking of operation, maintenance, and monitoring of innovative and alternative septic systems.
  8. Projects that, through direct action, mitigate or restore coastal waters, coastal resources, freshwaters, or freshwater resources impaired by pollutant loading.
  9. Land, open space, or habitat preservation, acquisition, or protection.
  10. Other activities in support of the CCMP and compatible with BIL funding.

Additional details and required forms are posted on our Funding page and the COMMBUYS website.

NEP awards Grants to Improve Water Quality

On April 25, the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (NEP) announced $808,500 in federally funded grant awards for projects that will improve water quality in the Buzzards Bay watershed by upgrading wastewater treatment plants and reducing stormwater runoff pollution. The three grants were awarded by the Buzzards Bay NEP through CZM, with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. These three grants are leveraging $484,000 in local cash and in-kind services:

Bourne – The $183,500 grant award will be used to hire an engineering firm to design stormwater treatment options to address nutrient and bacteria loading to Queen Sewell Pond, which has caused beach closures due to harmful algal blooms and elevated bacteria levels.

Dartmouth – With this $250,000 grant, the Town will make modifications to its wastewater treatment facility to better meet permitted discharge limits for certain pollutants and significantly reduce nitrogen discharges to Buzzards Bay, potentially removing more than 100,000 pounds of nitrogen pollution each year.

New Bedford – This $375,000 award will be used to complete Phase II of the Buttonwood Park stormwater management project, which will address sediment erosion and pollutant discharges from the Buttonwood Senior Center property and nearby neighborhoods, including waste from a large Canada geese population.

For more information, see the EEA Press Release. Also, see this article on for news coverage of the grants: Bourne Gets State Money for Queen Sewell Pond Cleaning.