General Info Posts

General information or news about Buzzards Bay

Video Series on Stormwater Discharge Investigation

In January, Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) received a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) grant on behalf of the Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative to outfit a trailer for municipalities to use to conduct Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) investigations. The trailer is housed at Massachusetts Maritime Academy and is now available for any of the Stormwater Collaborative municipalities. The Buzzards Bay NEP was a partner on the grant, and directed the construction and equipment specifications.

Hands-on training for town officials on how to use the trailer and its equipment has not been possible due to COVID-19. The Buzzards Bay NEP and MMA, with permission from MassDEP, developed a series of YouTube videos for training purposes. These videos provide information on some stormwater basics, considerations for MS4 permitting, GIS mapping techniques, and sampling protocols currently used in the ongoing monitoring program.

For the video series, see the Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative YouTube channel. The Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative page has additional information about the collaborative, and these and other useful stormwater monitoring training videos are on the Collaborative’s Monitoring Discharges page.

The new Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative discharge investigation trailer.
The new Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative discharge investigation trailer.
Here is what is inside the back of the trailer.
Monitoring kits with test equipment are in the front of the trailer.

NEP to provide towns with engineering services to reduce pollutants from stormwater runoff

The Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (NEP) has retained the Horsley Witten Group to prepare engineered designs and supporting calculations for a series of projects aimed at treating pollutants from stormwater runoff. The goal of the project is to develop construction ready stormwater management plans for three or four critical drainage catchments that currently discharge to Buzzards Bay with no treatment. The sites will be selected from among fifteen high priority catchments in five Buzzards Bay municipalities (Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, and Wareham). The fifteen catchments were selected based on monitoring data and stormwater network information gathered through the Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative, potential interest from municipalities, soils, groundwater elevation, land available for potential treatment options, and other factors. Based on review by the Horsley Witten Group, the NEP, and town recommendations, six of these sites will be selected for conceptual designs. Upon further review and town recommendations, permit-ready designs will be developed for three or four sites, which will then be finalized after permits are secured. The target date for the development of final construction-ready designs is December 31, 2020. The Buzzards Bay NEP intends to work with municipalities to secure funds to implement the final designs. More information about the project is posted at

NEP staff working remotely

Due to the ongoing public health emergency, the Buzzards Bay NEP office in Mattapoisett will remain closed until further notice. While our physical offices are closed, staff will work remotely via phone, email, and video conference to continue serving watershed municipalities, area non-profits, and our other partners. Go to our contact us page to reach out to NEP staff.

Photo by Sarah Williams.