Related pages: Hurricane and Storm Info | Tidal Datums | King Tides | Boating | Our climate pages

Today’s BB Tides from website.
BB Tide Predictions from NOAA.
NOAA Woods Hole Actual Tide Observations and Predictions, Historical Data.
US Army Corps New Bedford Hurricane Barrier Tide Station Data.

Best Gov. site: NOAA Boston and Region Weather, updated hourly.
[click on map where you live for the land forecast, click the water for the water forecast.]

Southern New England Radar (from NOAA’s National Weather Service)
National Weather Service, current storm total.
NOAA forecast and weather New Bedford
Storms and Sea Conditions
More links at the BB NEP’s Storm and Hurricane Page
Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) operated by WHOI, through MACOORA
Wave Height off Marthas Vineyard South Beach
Buzzards Bay Data Buoy NOAA BUZM3 wind and wave conditions, updated hourly
If Wave Height recorder data not available, check the Nantucket Buoy data (graphs shown at bottom of this page).
Buoy 44008 (100 miles SE of Nantucket), wind and wave conditions, updated hourly
NOAA Map: Get wave/wind data from any Buoy in the World
Wind Gusts (previous 5 days) recorded at Buzzards Bay NOAA buoy
Todays Sea Conditions (from NOAA’s National Weather Service)
Rainfall and Drought
More links at the BB NEP’s climate and rainfall data page
Current Massachusetts drought information
Note that these are state drought advisories, not actual status adopted by municipalities. Many municipalities in Southeastern Massachusetts adopted water restrictions during drought periods as needed.
Seawater Temperature and gulf stream off Northeast US
EPA’s UV Index site (New Bedford)
NASA nighttime astronomical planner