Sub-pages: Emergency Response Numbers Related Pages: Oil Spill Response
To report an Environmental Crime, call the Massachusetts Environmental Crime Bureau at (617) 727-2200
or email :
Reporting Emergency and Non-emergency Environmental Problems
The following links include emergency numbers you should call in situations requiring immediate attention. Chronic or persistent problems should be addressed with both phone calls and written complaints to all agencies and levels of government with jurisdiction. In emergencies (for example, illegal dumping of wastes or toxics or illegal filling of wetlands) call
the local police or fire department AND your local board (for example the Board of Health) AND the state environmental strike force. Letters reporting chronic or persistent problems should be sent to the appropriate local board AND copied to the appropriate state and federal agency.
Report a spill or environmental emergency
Immediately call your local fire department (call 911), then call MassDEP’s Emergency Response at 1-888-304-1133 as soon as possible.
In the event of a catastrophic disaster around Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod, or Massachusetts, go to these sites:
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
The Federal Disaster Management federal assistance page.
“Want results? Put it in writing.”

See also the recommendations at the website, Filing an Environmental Complaint.
Oil Spills and Toxic Spills
24-Hour Statewide Number to Report A Spill of Oil or Hazardous Material:
As soon as you have knowledge of a release of oil or hazardous materials to the environment, please notify your local fire department and the Emergency Response section at DEP by dialing:
(617) 556-1133 Boston Area
(888) 304-1133 Toll-Free From Anywhere in the Country
If the oil is spilled in coastal waters or the ocean (including land-based spills that are entering coastal waters via storm drains or streams), immediately call the National Response Center at
Other Emergency Response Websites
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency – MEMA
Massachusetts DEP: how to report a spill or crime
Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture information about Pesticide Use Violations.
How to ensure a reaction to your complaint
Ever hear someone say “I called and complained, but nothing was done about the problem!”
The truth is sometimes phone messages are miscommunicated or misunderstood, that is why we believe that you should always put your complaints in writing (you don’t have to type a letter, handwriting is fine). It is important that you provide as many details as possible. If you do call in a complaint, consider writing the town or state department and ask for a letter back summarizing what actions they took in response to your complaint.
Writing a letter to the following locations may also prompt action:
Your Municipal Board of Selectmen, City Council, or Mayor where appropriate.
Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Environmental Law Enforcement
251 Causeway St., Suite 400
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 626-1500
1 Winter Street
Boston, MA 02108
Attorney General
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108-1698
Read DEP’s recent and past environmental enforcement orders
Phone List: Environmental Issues and Response Agency
Animal and Pest Problems
Local Animal Control Officer
Areas of Critical Env. Concern
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at 413-586-8706
Asbestos Contractor Licensing
Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries at 617-727-7047
Boat Registrations
Boat Registrations at
Governor’s at 1 800 392-6090
Coastal Issues
Coastal Zone Management at 617-727-9530
Dam Safety
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at 617-727-3159
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at 617-727-3159 (DEM oversees DEP-licensed work)
Electromagnetic Fields
EPA at 617-565-3420
Environmental Impact Reports
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act at 617-727-5830 or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at 617-565-3420
Env. Law Enf. dispatch
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 1 800-632-8075
Fish Kills
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 413-447-9789
Flood Control Planning
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at 617-727-3268
Flood Control Information
River forecast Center in CT at 203-240-3514 or Mass Emergency Management at 508-820-2000
Forests and Parks
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at 617-727-3180 or Massachusetts Metropolitan District Commission at 617-727-5114
EPA at 1 800-296-1996 or 617-565-3220
Household Hazardous Waste
Office of Technical Assistance at 617-626-1060 DEP at 617-292-5587
Hunting, Fishing
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 617-727-1614
Pittsfield office
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 413-447-9789
Indoor Air Pollution
Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 617-727-2700 or
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at 617-565-3420
regional office
Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 413-528-7525
Inland Vegetated Wetlands Guide
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissioners at 413-586-5586
DEP at 617-292-5692
Lead Poisoning
Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 617-727-2700 regional office
Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 413-586-7525
Lead Paint Abatement Cert.
Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries at 617-727-7047
Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Massachusetts Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Board at 617-727-6018
Medical/Infectious Waste
Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 617-727-2660
Occupational Hygiene & Safety
Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries at 617-727-3460
Regional Office
Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries at 413-734-2252
Occupational Safety & Health
Occupational Safety and Health Administration at 413-785-0123
Open Space
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at 617-727-3139 or
Executive Office of Environmental Affairs at 617-727-9800
Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture at 617-727-3020
Radioactive Waste
Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 413-586-7525
Radon Gas
Massachusetts Department of Public Health at 617-727-6214 or
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at 617-565-3420
regional DPH office
DPH – 413-586-7525
Rare & Endangered Species
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 617-727-9194
Riverways Planning
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 617-727-1614
Spill Reporting (after hours)
Massachusetts Department of Public Safety at 508-820-1444
Topographic Maps
Johnson’s Bookstore at 413-732-6222
UMass Bookstore; Sporting goods stores
Underground Tank Registrations
Massachusetts Department of Public Safety at 508-851-9813 (Report leaks to DEP)
Urea formaldehyde hotline
1 800-222-8334
Watershed Management
Massachusetts Metropolitan District Commission at 617-727-5114
Well driller Certification
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at 617-727-5114
Wildlife Management
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 617-727-1614
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at 413-447-9789
Worker Right-To-Know
Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries at 617-727-3460
To report an Environmental Crime, call the Environmental Strike Force
(617) 556-1000 1-888-VIOLATE (1-888-846-5283)