Action Plan 11: Invasive Species

Managing Invasive Species


Goals and Objectives

Changes: The term “nuisance species was eliminated to focus on invasive species. Some objectives were re-worded improve clarity and readability. Three new objectives were added.

Goal 11.1. Minimize the potential introduction of new invasive species to Buzzards Bay and its surrounding watershed.
Goal 11.2. Reduce the extent and limit the spread of existing invasive species that are degrading habitats of Buzzards Bay and its watershed.
Objective 11.1. Adopt and enforce laws, regulations, and policies that will reduce the potential spread of invasive species.
Objective 11.2. Educate the public, farmers, nursery owners, fisherman, pet-store owners, shipping industry, and other relevant sectors about individual actions that can be taken to reduce the threat of introducing invasive species to the environment.
Objective 11.3. Fund and promote actions and studies to control and reduce existing populations of invasive and nuisance species.
Objective 11.4. Monitor existing and new invasives to help discern introduction pathways and to identify species in early stages of introduction to improve the chance for containment.
Objective 11.5. Support studies of the role of climate change on invasive species contributing to habitat loss in the Buzzards Bay watershed. (New)
Objective 11.6. Prioritize or support efforts to control invasive species where control is likely to be effective. (New)
Objective 11.7. Support the development and implementation of rapid response plans for invasive species. (New)