Action Plan 13: Ponds and Streams

Protecting and Restoring Ponds and Streams


Goals and Objectives

Changes: A climate element was added to the goal. Some objectives were re-worded improve clarity and readability. Three new objectives were added.

Goal 13.1. Protect surface waters to ensure that beneficial water uses will not be lost nor ecosystems adversely affected by pollution discharges, non-native species, climate change, or flow alterations in the Buzzards Bay watershed.
Goal 13.2. Restore any beneficial water uses and ecosystem functions lost in watershed freshwater systems caused by pollution discharges, non-native species, or alterations of flow and volume.
Objective 13.1. Help adopt total maximum daily loads for all freshwaters.
Objective 13.2. Help ensure that plans are developed and implemented to meet recommended total maximum daily loads.
Objective 13.3. Help restore impaired wetlands habitat.
Objective 13.4. Protect open space that enhances and protects lakes, ponds, and streams.
Objective 13.5. Support studies that result in a better understanding of threats to ponds and streams. (New)
Objective 13.6. Assess use and impairments for all ponds and streams not yet assessed in the state integrated list of impaired waters (New)
Objective 13.7 Encourage wastewater and stormwater management strategies that minimize direct and indirect phosphorus discharges to surface waters. (New)