Action Plan 14: Trash

Action Plan 14 Reducing Trash in Wetlands and Waterways


Each year, thousands of residents and visitors enjoy Buzzards Bay for boating, swimming, fishing, hiking, and birding. Many also visit the extensive inland wetlands, waterways, and open space throughout the watershed. Increasingly, trash, including environmentally hazardous and non-hazardous waste, have degraded these areas. Trash may be conveyed by stormwater systems and can wash ashore from distant sources. Trash can be a nuisance, aesthetically displeasing, can injure people and wildlife, degrade ecosystems, and contribute to garbage patches offshore. Plastics in trash can break down into fine plastic particles that enter food webs including seafood. Reducing trash inputs and encouraging trash removal are the focus of this action plan.

Goals and Objectives

Changes: The terms “floatables”, litter, and debris were replaced with the term trash to simplify and conform with current preferred terminology. The goal and objectives were re-worded improve clarity and readability.

Goal 14.1. Ensure that Buzzards Bay beaches, coastal waters, and inland wetlands habitat are clear of harmful, degrading, and nuisance levels of trash.
Objective 14.1. Ensure waste disposal barrels are provided at public beaches and marinas, private marinas, parks, and boat haul-outs.
Objective 14.2. Manage stormwater discharges to reduce or eliminate discharges of trash.
Objective 14.3. Encourage fishermen to not dispose of fishing lines, nets, cables, and trash at sea, and instead properly dispose ashore.
Objective 14.4. Educate the public and businesses on the importance of reducing litter and marine debris discharges and involve them in the potential solutions.
Objective 14.5. Support state and local efforts to reduce litter and debris on beaches and in wetlands.
Objective 14.6. Identify and map important debris location sites, natural collection points, encourage and support clean-up and remediation efforts and implement strategies that reduce future debris.