Action Plan 15: Coastal Watersheets

Managing Coastal Watersheets, Tidelands, and the Waterfront


Goals and Objectives

Changes: The previous Goal 15.2 was split into goals 15.2 and 15.3 to differentiate between two separate goals. Some objectives were re-worded improve clarity and readability. One new objective was added.

Goal 15.1. Manage the uses and activities in the waters and on the tidelands of Buzzards Bay using sound comprehensive assessments of natural resources, habitat, and water quality, to ensure sustainable recreational and commercial activities, including aquaculture, while protecting and improving ecosystem health and values.
Goal 15.2. Minimize negative impacts of dredging activities on water quality, physical processes, marine productivity, and public health.
Goal 15.3. Maximize beneficial use of dredged sediments. (Goal split from 15.2)
Objective 15.1. Develop and improve upon geographic databases identifying habitat, aquaculture grants, natural resources, seabed characteristics, and contamination or impairment hotspots of lands under the ocean to establish a strong technical basis for embayment watersheet planning and management.
Objective 15.2. Promote the development and implementation of municipal embayment management plans that manage the watersheet uses and structures to protect water quality, natural resources, and tidelands habitats. Strategies should help increase shoreline resilience to storms and rising sea level, ensure dredging is protective of natural resources and habitats, and designate areas appropriate for sustainable uses including aquaculture and alternative energy.
Objective 15.3. Ensure that dredging methods and timing are conducted to minimize adverse impacts, and where appropriate, transfer sensitive resources out of areas to be dredged.
Objective 15.4. Maximize the beneficial uses of dredged material by creating opportunities by pre-designating or pre-permitting receiving areas (e.g., beach nourishment zones) to expedite permitting, and through increased funding.
Objective 15.3. Support updates to the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act regulations to protect critical marine habitat and important water-dependent uses for ocean-based projects, including cumulative impacts of aquaculture and energy-related activities. (New)