Action Plan 16: Toxic Pollution

Reducing Toxic Pollution


Goals and Objectives

Changes: Some objectives were re-worded improve clarity and readability.

Goal 16.1. Protect public health and the bay ecosystem from the effects of toxic contamination.
Objective 16.1. Reduce toxic contaminant discharges to Buzzards Bay and reduce toxic loads to toxic contaminant impaired water bodies listed under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.
Objective 16.2. Eliminate hazardous discharges of toxic contaminants from point and non-point sources into the bay.
Objective 16.3. Reduce the discharge of toxic contaminants and contaminants of emerging concern into public and private wastewater systems.
Objective 16.4. Meet all state, federal, and local action levels for water and seafood.
Objective 16.5. Improve local, state, and federal regulation controlling seafood and sediment quality to protect human health and the environment.