Action Plan 18: Shifting Shorelines

Planning for a Shifting Shoreline and Coastal Storms


Goals and Objectives

Changes: Some goals and objective had minor word changes to improve clarity. One new objective was added.

Goal 18.1. Protect public health and safety from problems associated with coastal hazards including rising sea level, shifting shorelines, and damage from storms and storm surge.
Goal 18.2. Plan for shifting shorelines and the inland migration of coastal wetlands, dunes, and barrier beaches.
Objective 18.1. Incorporate sea level rise, increased frequency and intensity of coastal flooding and storms, and expected shoreline change into all relevant planning and management programs.
Objective 18.2. Develop a comprehensive strategy to address existing structures and public infrastructure in areas that will be affected by future shoreline changes and other coastal hazards.
Objective 18.3. Adopt regulatory and non-regulatory strategies to guide growth to areas not expected to be affected by coastal storms, flooding, and shoreline changes, and when appropriate require resilient growth and development strategies in these areas.
Objective 18.4. Adopt state and local emergency response plans to address emergency conditions caused by reduced access and flooding of coastlines.
Objective 18.5. Support research and monitoring into the efficacy of management practices to prevent salt marsh loss or restore or create marsh habitat. (NEW)