Action Plan 20: Monitoring

Monitoring Management Action, Status, and Trends


Goals and Objectives

Changes: Some goals and objective had minor word changes to improve clarity. One new objective was added.

Goal 20.1. Document environmental trends of water quality, living resources, and habitat to assess the effectiveness of management actions taken or identify the need for new actions.
Goal 20.2. Identify research and monitoring needs to understand more clearly the causes of impairments, reduce uncertainties about health risks, and better define conditions in Buzzards Bay.
Objective 20.1. Collect and monitor programmatic actions to document implementation of the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.
Objective 20.2. Ensure that regulatory agencies define essential monitoring requirements and collect data necessary to evaluate program and project success.
Objective 20.3. Ensure that funding is available to implement essential monitoring programs.
Objective 20.4. Revise and adapt monitoring programs to meet changing needs and information gaps.
Objective 20.5. Disseminate data and syntheses of information to scientists, managers, and the public.
Objective 20.6. Encourage scientists and agencies to evaluate emerging contaminants and other stressors to the environment.
Objective 20.7. Track NEP funding to help ensure environmental justice and environmental equity goals are met. (New)