Action Plan 21: Public Education and Participation

Enhancing Public Education and Participation


Goals and Objectives

Changes: Some goals and objective had minor word changes to improve clarity. One new objective was added.

Goal 21.1. Expand the public’s knowledge of the natural resources and water quality of Buzzards Bay and surrounding watershed and the threats they face.
Goal 21.2. Increase public participation in actions that support the goals, objectives, and recommendations in the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.
Objective 21.1. Expand the public’s knowledge of concepts of watersheds and the flow of water from precipitation along the land surface and in the ground.
Objective 21.2. Expand the public’s knowledge of pollution sources and pathways in the environment.
Objective 21.3. Improve the public understanding of human and natural effects on plant and animal populations and ecosystems.
Objective 21.4. Promote community involvement in planning and environmental decision-making to maintain and enhance the environmental quality of their neighborhoods. (New)