Action Plan 9: Biodiversity

This is a proposed updated Action Plan in the Buzzards Bay CCMP 2024 Update.

Action Plan 9 Protecting Biodiversity, Natural Communities, and Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern Species


The biodiversity of Buzzards Bay and its watershed, particularly species populations that are locally rare, threatened, or endangered species, are vulnerable to habitat loss, alteration, and stresses caused by human activity and pollution discharges. Core Habitat and Critical Natural Landscapes include those that support protected plants and animals, wetlands, fish nursery and spawning areas, submerged aquatic vegetation, and shellfish beds. Protection of these areas can only be achieved by adequate evaluation of threatened species, mapping and protecting their habitat, enforcing existing laws, adoption of new laws to create buffers around these habitats, and education of the public and government officials about their importance. The mapped distribution of listed species and vernal pools suggest that not all areas of the watershed have experienced the same level of baseline mapping effort.

The adoption of municipal conservation plans may be another approach to go beyond project permit review and to achieve more comprehensive and effective strategies to protect key wildlife habitat, and to build necessary public support.

Recommendations and discussions related to this action plan are included in Action Plan 7 Protecting and Restoring Wetlands; Action Plan 8 Restoring Migratory Fish Passage; Action Plan 10 Managing Water Withdrawals to Protect Wetlands, Habitat, and Water Supplies; Action Plan 11 Managing Invasive and Nuisance Species; and Action Plan 12 Protecting Open Space. This action plan addresses problems not discussed in those action plans, especially those issues relating to the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.

Goals and Objectives

Changes: The Action Plan title was changed from “Protecting Bio-diversity and Rare and Endangered Species Habitat” to “Protecting Biodiversity, Natural Communities, and Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern Species” to better encompass the scope of the goals and needed actions. We added the term “threatened species” to be consistent with state regulations. Specific bird species were called out to emphasize their importance. Five new objectives were added to clarify actions needed and new state goals.

Goal 9.1. Conserve, protect, and enhance the native biological diversity of Buzzards Bay and in its surrounding watershed.
Objective 9.1. Ensure that habitats of species considered to be endangered, threatened, or of special concern, including vernal pools, continue to be mapped and this information made publicly available.
Objective 9.2. Ensure that habitats of endangered, threatened, or of special concern are considered in the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Act permit review process.
Objective 9.3. Support efforts to protect, enhance, or study biological core habitat and critical natural landscapes as identified by MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, and BIOMAP is protected and conserved.
Objective 9.4. Improve the awareness of the public and government officials of the importance of protecting species considered to be endangered, threatened, or of special concern.
Objective 9.5. Support studies that promote a better understanding of how climate change and sea level rise will affect marsh dependent nesting species like the diamondback terrapin and marsh sparrow, and coastal nesting birds. (New)
Objective 9.6. Support efforts to protect and restore island nesting habitat of the US Endangered Roseate tern populations in Buzzards Bay. (New)
Objective 9.7. Support efforts to comply with Executive Order No. 618 to conserve biodiversity in Massachusetts. (New)