Procurement Information and Outcomes Stormwater Engineering Services, Westport Middle School
In partnership with the Town of Westport, and the Westport River Watershed Alliance, and as part of our municipal grant program, in early 2009, the Buzzards Bay NEP sought engineering services to assist the town develop stormwater treatment designs to reduce stormwater volumes (and pollutants) leaving the Westport Middle School and Town Library complex site. The page was created to increase awareness of this initiative, and in support of the posting of a Request for Responses (RFR) on the CommBuys website and subsequent activities on the project.
Designs completed, and in 2010 the town has received DEP Section 319 grant to construct the stormwater treatment system. Most work on this project was completed in 2013. Additional information about this project can be found in DEP 319 project summaries FY 2008-2012.
BBNEP Grant Status Timeline
The BBNEP, through Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management, issued an RFR for engineering services on January 22, 2009. The RFR is posted at the CommBuys website (search for “Professional Design”). The RFR and other documents are also posted on this web page. In response to the RFR the Buzzards Bay NEP received eight proposals by the 5 March 2009 deadline from the vendors listed below:
Coastal Engineering of Orleans, MA
DiPrete Engineering of Cranston, RI
Field Engineering Co., Inc. of Mattapoisett, MA
Geosyntec Consultants of Acton, MA
Nitsch Engineering of Boston, MA
Norfolk Ram Group, LLC of Plymouth, MA
Pare Corporation of Lincoln, RI
Waterman Design Associates, Inc of Westborough, MA
In March 2009, the Buzzards Bay NEP selected and in April awarded the contract to Norfolk Ram Group LLC. Click to read the selection notice memorandum.
Click on the image thumbnail
Head of Westport Stormwater Network
Head of Westport Locus Map
Middle School and Library Complex
The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), through the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (Buzzards Bay NEP) in the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), is making available federal funds to hire an engineering or environmental service firm to develop engineering designs and site plans to treat a stormwater discharge to the Head of the Westport River (East Branch). The upper East Branch is currently permanently closed to shellfishing due to numerous sources of pathogens. Because of the number of sources of pathogens to the river, The Town of Westport and the Buzzards Bay NEP recognize that water quality improvements will be achieved only through the systematic treatment or elimination of many sources that discharge bacteria to the River. Such an undertaking will remediate the largest sources over many years. The town, property owners, and non-governmental organizations, like the Westport River Watershed Alliance, have been working toward these long term solutions.
The focus of the remediation effort described here is to reduce stormwater volumes and bacteria discharges associated with two pipes labeled HW1 and HW2 shown on the maps here. The Buzzards Bay NEP expects to make available $15,000 in federal funds to hire an engineering or environmental service firm. The selected firm will produce stormwater designs for the Town of Westport that reduce stormwater discharge volume from the Middle School and Library Complex into the Westport River. The town is particularly interested in potential designs that incorporate rainwater storage for use in irrigating school athletic fields. The funding of these designs fulfils a previous award commitment to the Town of Westport under the Buzzards Bay municipal grant program by the Buzzards Bay NEP.
The Head of Westport, a small village located in the town of Westport, defines the tidal extent of the East Branch of the Westport River. At this point several stormwater systems discharge into the river, both along the east and west bank. Utilizing funding from the Department of Environmental Protection’s Nonpoint Source Program, the town was able to remediate the discharges along the east bank. In January 2007, the town applied for (and was awarded) grant funding through the Buzzards Bay NEP’s Municipal Grant Program to provide stormwater remediation for the Head of Westport, particularly discharges associated with Old County Road and Drift Road (HW1 and HW2 in maps in Appendix A). After meetings with town officials in 2007 and 2008, it was decided that in order to reduce contaminant discharges to the Westport River, the volume of stormwater from the town school and library properties first needed to be reduced. This would enable more effective potential treatment solutions along the road and near the end of the pipes. Town officials agreed that the $15,000 in BBNEP allocated design funding would focus on stormwater design solutions for the town’s property, which was estimated to contribute up to 60% of the discharge volume to the river. The School Committee was also interested in the feasibility of collecting stormwater for use in the irrigation of athletic fields.
At the same time, the Town of Westport and other partners sought a comprehensive solution for treating both road, school, and library property runoff. In the Fall of 2008, the Westport River Watershed Alliance, in partnership with the Town of Westport, utilized $25,000 of its own funds to hire an engineering firm to prepare an existing conditions plan for the road, school, and library properties because such data was essential in the development of stormwater solutions under this RFR and for the design of future road treatment options. The WRWA will make these existing conditions plans available to the Town, the BBNEP, and the contractor hired under this RFR. The BBNEP will post digital copies of these plans on this page when they become available.
The primary goal of this project is to produce stormwater designs for the Town of Westport that reduce stormwater discharge volume from the Middle School and Library Complex into the Westport River. Such designs may include storage, infiltration, or both. The Buzzards Bay NEP staff will work with the selected vendor, Westport Board of Selectmen, the Westport School Committee, and the Westport Highway Department to decide upon the stormwater management solution practical given the constraints of the site. After final designs are complete, the BBNEP will work with the Town of Westport to obtain funding for the construction of the stormwater management plans.
Summary Information posted with RFR
PROPOSALS SOUGHT FOR: Engineering designs and site plans to treat stormwater discharges at the Middle School Library Complex in Westport, MA will be accepted.
OVERVIEW AND GOALS: The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), through the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (NEP) in the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), announces the availability of $15,000 in federal funds to hire an engineering or environmental service firm. The selected firm will develop engineering designs and site plans to treat stormwater discharges at the Middle School Library Complex in the Town of Westport. The primary goal of this project is to produce stormwater designs for the Town of Westport that reduce stormwater discharge volume from the Middle School and Library Complex into the Westport River, particularly those designs that incorporate rainwater storage for use in irrigating school athletic fields.
Also note these statements in the Background Section: “The Buzzards Bay NEP has allocated $15,000 of federal funds to hire an environmental engineering firm to assist the Town of Westport to develop stormwater designs for a site identified by the town as a management priority. The Town of Westport is particularly interested in designs that include, where practical and cost effective, the storage of stormwater for irrigation of recreational fields.”
A. RELEASE OF RFR: January 22, 2009
B. INFORMATION SESSION: The Bidder’s Conference will be held on Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 10:00 AM in the parking lot of the Westport Middle School Complex on County Road in Westport.
C. INQUIRIES ABOUT THE RFR: The Municipal Grants Coordinator will accept questions about this RFR in writing (by mail, fax, or email) through 4 PM, Wednesday, February 18, 2009.
D. APPLICATION DUE DATE: Thursday, March 5, 2009 by 4:00 PM
F. ESTIMATED CONTRACT START DATE: The estimated contract start date is April 2009. The vendor must complete all work by June 30, 2009.
To view our solicitation, when posted, and to download the forms, go to On the search for solicitations page type “Westport” on the keyword line, click on “x documents found”, and this RFR should be the first on the list. Click on this link. (Sorry there is no hard link, this is a dynamic link website.)
Questions Received and Responses
It is important that vendors review the 2008 ENV Supplemental Terms and Conditions document posted with our RFR on the Comm-Pass Website. Please note that you are prohibited from contacting anyone in the Buzzards Bay NEP office with specific questions about this RFR. Other data or information may be requested from the town or staff of the Buzzards Bay Program as per their normal duties in responding to data and map requests from the public.
The questions and responses below are tentative until final posting on Comm-Pass.
Question 1: Can you explain to what DEP stormwater requirements the designs must conform?
Response to Question 1: The selected vendor should conform to guidelines contained in the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook (revised February 2008) and the 1996/97 Stormwater Management Policy. These documents are available at:
Question 2: Will the existing conditions plans from phase I of this project be available before the submission deadline for this RFR?
Response to Question 2: It is unlikely they will be complete by that time.
Question 3: Is standing water observed in the “moat” around the building?
Response to Question 3: The morning of the bidders’ conference there was standing water and ice in the moat.
Question 4: Does the Middle School have a basement below ground level and has it had a problem with groundwater or stormwater flooding?
Response to Question 4: Yes, there is a basement for utilities below ground (below the first floor level). Questions about whether flooding has occurred in the past should be directed to Michael Duarte, Supervisor of Maintenance and Facilities at (508) 636-1101:
Question 5: Does an existing stormwater storage vault exist?
Response to Question 5: No.
Question 6: The library is building an addition. Will the stormwater from this newly built area have to be treated with the designs under this RFR?
Response to Question 6: No. It is our understanding that this addition will have stormwater treated on site. Designs are available in the library for public review. Contact Sue Branco at the Library at (508) 636-1100.
Question 7: Is the $15,000 a set amount or is it negotiable?
Response to Question 7: The $15,000 is a set amount under this RFR. Vendors should submit a proposal for the tasks as written. Vendors may propose optional non-funded tasks as specified in the proposal. These responses will be used to define work in later phases of the project. The EEA supplemental terms and conditions specifies that under certain circumstances an approved contract may at a later time be amended to increase funding, for additional tasks, subject to availability of funds. Vendors should not submit applications based on assumed expansion of contract funds.
Question 8: At the site visit, it was stated that the scope of this project includes only treating stormwater from the Middle School Library complex. However, Task 2: a under Services Required and Tasks states, “Review existing conditions plans…. and contributing sections of Old County Road, Green Street, Gifford Road and Jason Drive and underground pipe drainage systems contributing to the discharges labeled HW1 and HW2:” Likewise, Task 2: c under Services Required and Tasks states, “Quantify and identify in tabular form the contributing watershed area and impervious areas from the Old County Road collection system to the discharges.” Please confirm whether or not these tasks are required as part of the scope of this project.
Response to Question 8: Due to limits on funding, we have revised Task 2a. and eliminated Task 2c. Task 2c will be moved to a future phase of the project, and the RFR is hereby amended with these changes.
Question 9: Under Services Required and Tasks, Task 2: f states, “… and traffic management controls will be shown on the Final Design Drawings.” Please clarify the scope of traffic management controls. Are these construction-related controls (e.g truck entrances)?
Response to Question 9: Traffic controls will be those required by the school committee, and may include location of signage to specify which entrance to use for construction vehicles, new entrances, or temporary structures to redirect traffic so that school bus and other traffic is not impeded.
Question 10: Who is the “client” for this project?
Response to Question 10: The Commonwealth is hiring the vendor, and is thus the client. However, we are working collaboratively with the town. Since the town (more specifically the School Committee) must ultimately construct the stormwater system, efforts must be made to ensure they are satisfied with the elements of the design. The Commonwealth (via the BBNEP) is the final authority on design approval. The vendor must provide final products to both the Commonwealth and the Town for their use.
Question 11: There are many meetings in Task 3 which add to the cost of the work. How many meetings are required for task 3c? Can any of the other meetings be accomplished by phone or web conferencing? Will any of the three “public meetings” with the Buzzards Bay NEP and Town Representatives need to occur at regularly scheduled town meetings?
Response to Question 11: The Buzzards Bay NEP has determined that some of the planned meetings are of a general outreach nature. These meetings will be undertaken by the Buzzards Bay NEP and its partners in Westport to minimize costs. In addition, because the School Committee is responsible for the property and must approve the designs, they are the principal board with which the vendor will meet. Below is the new meeting schedule that the Engineering firm must comply with, and the RFR is hereby amended with these changes.
Task 3 – Meetings (revised)
The contractor will set up and attend the following meetings as they relate to the submission of Conceptual Designs, Draft Final Designs, and Final Designs and products:
a) An initial meeting at the BBNEP offices with Buzzards Bay NEP staff to discuss goals and objectives and discuss design options related to stormwater treatment or storage;
b) An initial nighttime public meeting and presentation at a Westport School Committee board meeting (with invited representation of the Board of Selectmen and Library Committee and/or their representatives, and other pertinent town staff) to present and discuss Conceptual Plans, fundamental design options and concepts, potential use of stormwater for irrigation, system placement, and other issues;
c) A daytime meeting with the Buzzards Bay NEP and the Town Representatives to discuss public and town response to Conceptual Designs in meeting 3b); [submit Draft Final Designs subsequent to this meeting]
d) A daytime meeting with Buzzards Bay NEP staff and Town Representatives to discuss completed Draft Designs and needed changes [submit Draft Final Designs subsequent to this meeting];
e) A public meeting and presentation to the Westport School Committee with invited representation of the Board of Selectmen and Library Committee and/or their representatives, and other pertinent town staff to present and discuss Draft Final Designs, including preliminary itemized cost estimates for material, construction, and permitting;
f) A conference call with Buzzards Bay NEP to discuss public and town response to Draft Final plans. [submit Final Plans subsequent to this meeting.]
g) Depending upon public response to meeting 3f, and the degree of changes required, a third and final public meeting may be required to the Westport School Committee with invited representation of the Board of Selectmen and Library Committee and/or their representatives;
h) Additionally, the vendor will provide monthly status reports (via email or letter) regarding the progress of the project, or impediments to progress.
The answers to these questions are posted for clarification purposes only and do not constitute an amendment to the RFR unless expressly stated as such. These responses may be further revised upon their final posting on Comm-Pass.
February 19, 2009 Revision of RFR
Under Services Required and Tasks, Task 2a was revised to delete the requirement to review existing conditions plans as they relate to Old County Road, Green Street, Gifford Road, and Jason Dive and the underground pipe drainage systems. Additionally, Task 2c, which related to identifying the contributing watershed area and impervious areas from the Old County Road collection system, was eliminated. These changes were made due to a reassessment of needs, reduced project time line, and limits on funding. These tasks will be moved to a future phase of the project.
Under Services Required and Tasks, Task 3 (Meetings) the meeting schedule was revised to provide clarification on the type of meetings required, to eliminate from the list of meetings those that would be undertaken solely by the Buzzards Bay NEP, to consolidate the number of meetings required by town officials, and to reduce the level of effort required for this task.
The revised RFR will be posted shortly on Compass.
Existing Plans for the Area
These are gif files ranging in size from 500kb to 2 MB. They may not view properly in your web browser. If so, you will need to right click and save them to your computer, then open them with a paint or graphics program. We have posted them to assist engineers in the development and review of designs.
2009 Existing Conditions Plans
The Westport River Watershed Alliance (WRWA) has contracted with the firm Field Engineering Co., Inc of Mattapoisett, MA to produce Existing Conditions plans for both the school, library, road, and surrounding areas contributing to the stormwater discharges to the Head of the Westport River. These plans will be used as the basis of stormwater flow, volume, and design calculations used in this work. These designs may or may not be available before the close of the RFR, however, both the WRWA and the town are expected to receive both paper and digital copies of the existing conditions plans before the commencement of the work under this contract.