The following links are to federal, state, and local environmental laws, regulations, and policies relevant to watershed management, resource protection, and water quality.
Note: At the state level, Massachusetts General Laws (MGLs) establish the purposes, authority, and financing of a law. Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMRs) provides the “nuts and bolts” rules for the application of the law by specific state agencies. At the municipal level, the same principals hold true. Town Meetings adopt “bylaws” (or City Councils adopt ordinances), and town boards adopt “regulations” to implement these bylaws (or ordinances). In both state and local government, “Policies” may be adopted where there may be ambiguity relating to a provision in the law or regulations. Regulations or laws may also refer to specific performance “standards”, which may be also published and promulgated as needed.
Massachusetts Environmental Laws
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL Chapter 131, Section 40).
Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MGL Chapter 131A)
Massachusetts General Laws relating to Marine Fish and Fisheries (MGL Chapter 130).
Search the Massachusetts General Laws for a term or phrase
Massachusetts Regulations, Policies, and Standards
Researching Massachusetts Code of Regulations
DEP’s Laws and Regulations Page
DEP’s water related Regulations Page (includes most state DEP related CMR environmental regulations)
State Law Library CMR (Code of Massachusetts Regulations)
DEP’s Wetland Policy Statements Page
Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards
Other Environmental Law Links
BBP page on legal cases and regulations.
Federal Legislation and Law Search
United States Code of Regulations
Search the United States Code (regulations for all federal laws)
GPO U.S. Government Publishing Office
Massachusetts State Legislators for the Buzzards Bay watershed
State Representatives Reps, as of 2017

Look Up Your Massachusetts State Representatives.
State Senators, as of 2017

Look Up Your to Massachusetts State Senators.
The Buzzards Bay watershed U.S. House Of Representatives
The Buzzards Bay watershed is mostly within the District of Congressman William Keating, with a small portion of the watershed within the District of Congressman Joseph Kennedy III. Please visit their websites below.
Congressman William Keating, Massachusetts, 10th
Congressman Joe Kennedy, Massachusetts, 4th