Year: 2018

Buzzards Bay FY2019 mini-grant RFP posted

The Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program would like to announce the availability of $79,338 in grant funds.  The Buzzards Bay Watershed Municipal Mini-grant Program FY2019 Grant Announcement has been posted on the COMMBUYS website.  We are seeking proposals for projects that implement recommendations in the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan and will be principally located within the Buzzards Bay Watershed.

Eligible projects include:

  1. Stormwater remediation designs for discharges affecting marine waters;
  2. Implementation and construction of existing stormwater designs for discharges affecting marine waters;
  3. Wetland/open space/habitat restoration, preservation, acquisition or protection;
  4. Update or digitizing of wetland boundaries or land elevations from wetland permits;
  5. Migratory fish passage and habitat restoration;
  6. Construction of a boat pump-out facility in a municipality or harbor when none exists;
  7. Creation of online reporting systems for tracking of operation, maintenance and monitoring of innovative and alternative septic systems;
  8. Projects that, through direct action, mitigate for or restore: coastal waters, coastal resources, freshwaters, or freshwater resources adversely affected by nutrient loading (nitrogen or phosphorus pollution);
  9. Other activities in support of the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.

This solicitation is open to municipalities within the Buzzards Bay Watershed, including: Fall River, Westport, Dartmouth, New Bedford, Acushnet, Fairhaven, Rochester, Mattapoisett, Marion, Wareham, Middleborough, Carver, Plymouth, Bourne, Falmouth, and Gosnold.  However, all projects must be located principally within the Buzzards Bay watershed.

Proposals are due Thursday, May 3 by 4:00 PM.  Applicants must provide a non-federal match that will equal or exceed 33 percent of requested funds.  The RFR’s Question and Answer period will close 4:00 PM, Tuesday, April 10, 2018.

Municipalities may submit any number of applications and they may receive more than one grant; however, no single grant award may exceed $35,000 and no recipient can receive more than $60,000.

The RFR and other details on the program may be found at the following website: and on the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program’s website:

It’s not too late to develop a pre-proposal for a 2018 SNEP Watershed Grant!

To help restore clean water and healthy ecosystems to Southeast New England, Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE), with financial support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has launched the 2018 Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Watershed Grants. The grants target water pollution, habitat degradation, and other high-priority environmental issues, in order to foster sustainable coastal and watershed communities in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. Pre-proposals are due Friday, March 30, 2018 at 5 p.m. Pre-proposals are not to exceed seven pages (one page for cover information, not to exceed two pages for the project narrative, three pages for the budget, and one page for an optional  map). Partner commitment letters are not required for the pre-proposals.

The Buzzards Bay NEP can provide technical support in the development of SNEP grant applications, and we can also partner with organizations on grant applications that meet our program’s goals or tasks in our work plan. Call Joe Costa at 508.291.3625 x 11 if you would like to propose partnering with the Buzzards NEP to discuss, or Sarah Williams at 508.291.3625 x 13 if you need specific map products or other technical support.

The SNEP Watershed Grants’ streamlined pre-proposal process makes it easy to submit an application. With more than two weeks to go, there’s plenty of time to develop and submit your pre-proposal. Complete application and submittal instructions are included in the Request for Proposals (RFP). DOWNLOAD THE RFP & RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS HERE

The SNEP program has posted new “Response to Questions” that address questions asked at public information sessions and webinars held by RAE in late February and early March. Prospective applicants are encouraged to review this document in developing SNEP proposals.

The 2018 SNEP Watershed Grants will provide up to $2.5 million to encourage strategic investments by state, local, tribal, and regional partners. The source of the funding is federal, and grantees are expected to provide an additional 33% of the grant amount in non-federal matching funds. Cash and in-kind contributions may be counted toward match.

The 2018 SNEP Watershed Grants support the goals and priorities of EPA’s Southeast New England Program, a regional effort to promote a resilient ecosystem of clean water, healthy diverse habitats, and sustainable communities in Southeast New England’s coastal watersheds. The grant program also supports the goals and priorities of the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and  Management Plan (CCMP). Learn more about EPA’s SNEP program here.

Waterborne commerce statistics posted.

Buzzards Bay and the Cape Cod Canal are part of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, an important shipping route for maritime commerce. Millions of tons of cargo pass through Buzzards Bay and the Cape Cod Canal annually, and hundreds of thousands of tons of goods leave or arrive in New Bedford as well. Our new waterborne commerce statistics page summarizes tonnage of various commodities shipped in and out of Buzzards Bay, and some of the commodities may surprise you.  We also provide helpful links where you can find more information.