In February 2022, the Stormwater Collaborative, through the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, and in partnership with the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (NEP), received a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MS4 grant of $71,000 to conduct Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) investigations in eight towns using the Stormwater Collaborative’s IDDE trailer funded in an earlier grant. Since 2021, an additional 200 catchments have been evaluated, and over 150 stormwater outfalls have been inventoried and over 100 stormwater samples have been collected. We have posted an interactive map of the Buzzards Bay Stormwater Collaborative mapping and monitoring efforts, with links including photos and water quality reports for selected discharges. The DEP grant also funded a series of hands-on IDDE workshops in April and May that were conducted by MMA and Buzzards Bay NEP staff. The five all-day workshops attracted 52 participants from 20 municipalities.