2024 update to the Buzzards Bay CCMP

In 2024, the Buzzards Bay NEP is updating the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP), to reflect the progress achieved since and new conditions since the plan was last updated in 2013. This page has links to the revised and updated Action Plans.


Every National Estuary Program (NEP) has developed a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP). As described by Section 320 of the Clean Water Act, a CCMP “recommends priority corrective actions and compliance schedules addressing point and nonpoint sources of pollution to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the estuary, including restoration and maintenance of water quality, a balanced indigenous population of shellfish, fish and wildlife, and recreational activities in the estuary, and assure that the designated uses of the estuary are protected.” A CCMP “contains goals and objectives and provides a long-term framework for action” (EPA 2020 guidance).

CCMPs focus on locally actionable solutions to address estuary-specific problems. Each CCMP reflects local priorities identified by government and public and private concerns. The original CCMP represented the consensus approach of the Buzzards Bay NEP’s Management Conference, and all the participants involved. It defines the collective goals, objectives, and actions needed by all levels of government that participated in the conference. A CCMP does not necessarily define actions or responsibilities of the individual NEP. Rather, the NEP’s primary responsibility is to develop and promote strategies to help implement the CCMP, monitor the effectiveness of actions taken, help promote environmental justice and environmental equity goals, and identify emerging issues to be addressed.

Who is responsible for implementing the CCMP?

A CCMP represents the collective goals of the NEP management conference that created it. A CCMP is not a work plan for the NEP, rather it is a blueprint or course of action for all the management conference participants. The NEP’s primary responsibility is to develop strategies to help implement CCMP goals and monitor the effectiveness of actions taken.

The goals and objectives articulated in a CCMP might require action by a particular agency or level of government. Other goals and objectives might require the action of all levels of government, the public, and private entities. In most cases, each level of government may play a different role in meeting any goal or objective. For example, local government might have the legal authority to act on a particular goal, whereas a state agency might only be able to support those activities through grants and technical assistance. In other instances, a state or federal agency must be the lead. Those responsible for implementing the CCMP are identified in the narrative of each Action Plan.

2024 Update of the Buzzards Bay CCMP

The Buzzards Bay NEP is updating the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan 2013 Update to reflect recommendations in the 2023 Buzzards Bay CCMP Climate Vulnerability Assessment, new information or conditions, changes to laws and regulations, new EPA CCMP guidelines, comments by reviewers, and other concerns. The 2024 Update will also better reflect agency climate resilience objectives, and environmental equity goals. The purpose of this document is to identify changes to the “goals” and “objectives” identified in the 21 Action Plans needed for the update.

Each Action Plan in the Buzzards Bay CCMP articulates overarching goals. These goals are aspirational and without a deadline. Each Action Plan also articulates Objectives, which are key intermediate steps needed to achieve the overarching goals. Some objectives may include measurable targets and timelines (e.g., numbers of acres of open space protected by 2035). The objectives are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all actions in support of the goals but are meant to identify important action items that should be implemented and supported by funding and technical assistance by all levels of government. The new research-related objectives added to some Action Plans and are meant to identify essential information needed to achieve the goals and objectives of that Action Plan.

List of Action Plans

Action Plan 1 Managing Nitrogen Sensitive Embayments

Action Plan 2 Protecting and Enhancing Shellfish Resources

Action Plan 3 Managing Stormwater Runoff and Promoting Low Impact Development

Action Plan 4 Improving Land Use Management, Promoting Smart Growth, and Encouraging Climate Resilience

Action Plan 5 Managing Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems

Action Plan 6 Managing Impacts from Boating, Marinas, and Moorings

Action Plan 7 Protecting and Restoring Wetlands

Action Plan 8 Restoring Migratory Fish Passage and Populations

Action Plan 9 Protecting Biodiversity and Natural Communities that support species considered Endangered, Threatened, or of Special Concern

Action Plan 10 Managing Water Withdrawals to Protect Wetlands, Habitat, and Water Supplies

Action Plan 11 Managing Invasive Species

Action Plan 12 Protecting Open Space

Action Plan 13 Protecting and Restoring Ponds and Streams

Action Plan 14 Reducing Beach Debris, Marine Floatables, and Litter in Wetlands

Action Plan 15 Managing Coastal Watersheets, Tidelands, and the Waterfront

Action Plan 16 Reducing Toxic Pollution

Action Plan 17 Preventing Oil Pollution

Action Plan 18 Planning for a Shifting Shoreline and Coastal Storms

Action Plan 19 Protecting Public Health at Swimming Beaches

Action Plan 20 Monitoring Management Action, Status, and Trends

Action Plan 21 Enhancing Public Education and Participation